
Brendan Wood
bcwood 'at' indiana 'dot' edu

After graduating from IU Bloomington with a B.A. in Telecommunications and Spanish, I am pursuing a Creative Master's through the Telecommunications school where I will focus on Interactive Audio Implementation in video games. I hope to work for a video game company producing audio sound fx or music. Music and art are two of the most important things to me in life along with family and friends. I am in a band called Bent On Control and also produce my own music. I post most of my work on my youtube page: Other activities I enjoy include: rock climbing, hiking, reading, writing, soccer, and disc golf.

Sophie Parkison
sparkiso 'at' indiana 'dot' edu

Sophia’s current interests stem from her knack for language, people, and technology. She is interested in how technology and the rise of social networking impacts the way we tell stories. She is excited for the ways in which technology will give rise to new methods of storytelling, especially in the gaming field. As a first year graduate student, Sophia looks forward to continuing to tell stories through game design.

She received a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics, English with a Creative Writing concentration, and Telecommunications from Indiana University in 2010. During her undergraduate studies, she was part of a two-person team that produced a resource management strategy board game called The Summit. Their game won the award for the Open Game Concept in the 2010 Multivisions Student Media showcase winner at Indiana University. For more information about the game, visit The Summit.

Sophia is an adventurer at heart. She spent a summer in Japan and satisfies her need for adventure stateside by exploring international grocery stores and small Indiana towns.

Jenna Hoffstein
jrhoffst 'at' indiana 'dot' edu

Jenna is a game designer whose focus is primarily on virtual worlds. She graduated from Bates College in 2007 with BA in Studio Arts and has been immersed in the world of games ever since. Before joining the Telecommunications department at IU, Jenna spent a summer interning at the game development company Turbine and a couple of years working for Hangout Industries, a start-up aimed at creating a social virtual world for teen girls. Since coming to Indiana, Jenna has kept busy working on Greenland, Londontown, the ARG Kim's Blog and Pony Show, iPhone games, and many other game design projects. Jenna draws upon fields such as psychology and art to craft intuitive and aesthetic player experiences in her games.

Daniel Schiffman
dkschiff 'at' indiana 'dot' edu

Daniel's interests are rooted in both economic development and in computer science. His primary focus in pursuing an M.S. in telecommunications is in social computing and human computer interaction, and particularly in the creation of new technological designs and interactions with the goal of empowering the poor. Daniel's senior undergraduate honors thesis was entitled, "The Effect of Microfinance on Health in Rural Bangladesh." He has worked in social media and user experience design and also has been involved in international microfinance non-profits. Daniel has built walking robots, programmed interfaces, and is also planning on helping a poor village in Nepal this coming summer.

Professor: Susan Kelly
skelly 'at' indiana 'dot' edu